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Overlook, Omaha,
June 2. 1879 
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To R. B. Hayes,
      President of the United States: 
             Dear Sir,
                I beg leave to commend to your kind
attention the Rev.T.H.Tibbals of this city,who has most nobly interested himself in the case of the poor unfortunate Ponkas ( Indians).
    I feel sure that your Excellency can not be personally acquainted with the history of the wrongs done to this helpless tribe.  Mr. Tibbals is in possession of all the facts concerning their removal from their reservation,their sickness and trials in the Indian Territory,their present deplorable situation,and their great anxiety for one more chance for life and health.
     I beg of you,Mr. President, to give a patient hearing to the sad story, and there can be no doubt that justice will be accorded them
   Mr. Tibbals is a citizen of Omaha,very highly respected in the community, and every way worthy of confidence.
              I am very truly
                     Robert H.Clarkson,
                         Bishop of Nebraska.