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To Whom it May Concern
     I have known J. H. Tibbals for the last past fourteen years.  And do most cordially endorse his present humane work as eminently Christian and Philanthropic.  Having spent twenty years in the West, and in various relationship to the State and Church, I am fully persuaded that the Indians deserve better [[^insert]] treatment [[/insert]] at the hands of the Government and People than they have received.
     I believe the work in which Mr Tibbals is now engaged in the Interest of "Standing Bear and his People", is deserving the hearty sympathy and immediate helpfulness of all good citizens and bespeak for him success.
    [[signature]] H. D. Fisher [[/signature]]
        Pastor First M. E. Church.
              Omaha. Nebraska.
                  June 13. 1879.
[[circled]] 157 [[/circled]]