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[[preprinted]] House of Representatives U.S.,
Washington, D. C., [[/preprinted]] May 5, 1892.

Mr. J. H. Tibbles,
Omaha, Nebr.
My Dear Mr. Tibbles:-
Thanks for your letter.  I am afraid you over estimate the fight that will be made among the democrats.  I have no doubt that a good deal of money will be put into my district but I believe that only a very small per cent of the democrats can be influenced against me.  I wish you would give me in confidence the names of some of the democrats whom you have personally heard express dislike.
I will write my own platform and will be nominated by acclamation.  I know that the mass of the democrats are with us, and the only thing I fear is that the independents will nominate a man who will draw enough independent votes to enable the republican to be elected.  I think you will find there will be no disposition in the party to embarass me in the congressional convention.  I believe also that our state platform will include a free coinage plank.  My last platform declared against caucus dictation as will my next, and I think it will be well to put in an income tax plank.  I wish you would let me know anything you find of interest or anything that will enable me to keep posted.

Very truly yours,
W. J. Bryan