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[[Start right page]]
Niobrara co Knox Nebraska
April 29 1880

Mr. T.H.Tibbles
    Dear friend
            Sir I will rite a few word to tell you how we are up here  we are plowing our ground and we have got our potatoes in and garding seed in to.  I have done Everything what you have told me to do sence I come Back up here my friend I have not heard from you for two month now. I am going to ask you the word what you have said to me when I ask you that I wish to be like Standing Bear and you say I should stand up like him now I find myself the other way what you have told me. The reson I 

[[End right page]]
[[Start left page]]
[[Upside down paragraph at top]]
Standing Bear and Bird Head and Buffalo Chip. This three are the chiefs I want you to selected and Boys side put long runner for Police over them the Tribe
[[/End upside down paragraph]]

Come right up here there is a half Bread here maired to the Tribe he is a good interpreter if you come get him and he will tell every word you say to us he is leaving at the Santee agency. You can inquire at Hubbud Houses Inn Seclair. This is name I allwas think about your word just as same as if you are here you self. I remember about all the while that is all to [[strikethrough]] tell [[/strikethrough]] this shake Hand
       Your friend
          Buffalo Chipe

[[End left page]]

Transcription Notes:
I put these pages in the order they were written, which in those days was to start on the right and continue on the left.--thomasc