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                         Aug 20. '81
Dear friends
     Home again after a week's absence & a tiresome one. Except the rest in N. York last Sabbath. Besides what the papers have told you, let me tell you one or two things of the second council which way the important one for the Ponca.
     After the grandly noble answer of White Thunder that 'if he had pity on the Poncas he would not take their money.' he soon [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] added.
     I have said -- [[underlined]] Now we wish you to do your part for them [[/underlined]]
     And when asked what part of the old reservation they might have, he said Let them [[strikethrough]] select the best lands [[/strikethrough]] begin at the fork of the river and take the best lands for farming -- the bottom lands -- let them select the best lands. [not separate farms only but in a large tract including the best]