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have no materials for the work.  In the Spring when Gen. Armstrong thought that Suzette & Mr. Tibbles were going on a six-weeks' lecturing tour, for the benefit of that school for Indian girls at Hampton, he proposed to print, at Hampton (as I understood him) & for free distribution, a small pamphlet, with an article from Miss Ludlow on Indian Education, & are on two others which I have forgotten about.  I promised to write for that a short article on Standing Bear & Suzette.  The lecture plan was postponed, & so was the little pamphlet.  That is all I knew about it,
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till Mr. Tibbles's letter came.  It seems to me better, if new chapters are to be added, that Mr. Tibbles should write them; he is earnest, dramatic and interesting, & writes with entire freedom.  I would gladly read the mss, & correct the proofs, helping him in that way, all that I can.  This morning, a note from him says that he has sent me all his scrap-books, as material for the new chapters; & that induced me to see you, in order to have a clear understanding of the matter, before I answered his letter.  If he is to