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If Philadia copies [[underline]] have [[/underline]] been distributed and reviews not published - shall stir them up.

[[circled]] 178 [[/circled]]

[[printed letterhead]]
Thomas W. Price Company
Writing papers
Blank books
Printers Stationery
 505 Minor Street
[[/printed letterhead]]

                           June 27th 1878/

Mr. T. H. Tibbles
                       G. W. & Co. Publishers
                                         N.Y. City

Dear Sir; --  Allow me to tender my thanks and congratulations for your lucid and [[attractive?]] revelation of the atrocities perpetrated by the Indian - Ring!  My attention was called to ""Hidden Power" by an advertisement, and I bought a copy to satisfy an appetite for information on that subject whetted by the experience gained during a tour of service in all the territories east of the Rockies between its northern and southern boundaries some years ago.  Much that has always been puzzling and obscure, is made too lucidly bright for the peace of mind of a nation of such eminently plain Statesmen and patriots as we boast ourselves to be.  Without boring you with a personal criticism, or a combative review, I am so ponderously impressed by its inspiration