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                        No 60 Sears Building
                        Thursday 6:45
                        Decr 4th 1879

My dear Mr Tibbles,
     I feel as if I had sustained a great loss. To have you all leave us, perhaps never to return makes me feel sad, but we cannot always have our friends with us.  You and the cause of the dear friends you have with you will be on our minds and hearts, and our prayers will go up for God's blessing upon your noble efforts in behalf of the suffering and oppressed Indian brethren. 
     I hope this will find you

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safe and well at the Fifth Avenue.  Remember me most kindly to Instatheamba Machunahzhe and Zonthetah and with my best wishes for yourself and for all believe me to remain
       Very truly
            Your friend and coworker
                 Edward J. Thomas

To T.H. Tibbles, Esq.
    Fifth Avenue Hotel
         New York

The Lord bless and keep you.