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Tme [[angled, written upper left corner]]
S25694 [[stamped upper right corner]]
U.S. National Museum
Washington, D.C. May, 5th. 1883
Professor S.F. Baird,
The accessions to the Materia Medica Section during the month of April, have been 117 (Nos. 52774 to 52890 inclusive), consisting principally of Gums from Messrs. M. Kesson & Robbins of New York. These have all been bottled and distributed. During the month the Index to the Collection has been completed, and all the specimens now at hand, suitable for exhibition, have been arranged in the cases according to the established classification. The labor of the Office, for at least one day of each week, has been required in preparation for Dr. Prentiss' lectures on Materia Medica.
In the Chemical Division, temporarily under my charge, 548 specimens (Nos. 77351 to 77898 inclusive) have been entered in a separate register. Of these 98 are elementary chemical substances in various forms; the remainder are contributions from Messrs. Powers & Weightman, principally medicinal chemical products.
Very respectfully,
James M. Flint
Curator Materia Medica Section.