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F.W True [[angled, stamped upper left]]
Twe [[angled, written upper left]]
[[embossed stamp/oval with what looks vaguely like building facade; (maybe Museum?) upper left]]

U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.
Oct. 4th, 1883.
Professor S.F. Baird,
Director of the U.S. National Museum
During the period since last report _ June 4th 1883 _ which has included the summer vacation, only 39 specimens have been received (Nos. 53200 to 53238 inclusive). These include contributions of Cinchona products from Ceylon and from Jamaica. The whole collection as arranged, has been provided with pedestals upon which temporary labels have been placed, giving name of object and donor.
671 specimens have now their permanent printed labels attached and the work of preparing copy for other labels is going forward daily. 365 illustrations of Med. Plants have been mounted in the Pier-cases adjoining the collection, and others will be exposed so soon as the frames shall become available.
Satisfactory progress has been made during the summer on the compilation of the Phas. Upon this work and the preparation of labels the Office is at present engaged.
Very respectfully
James M. Flint
Curator Materia Medica