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[[strikeout]] Wzh [[strikeout, initialed upper left]]
GSA file [[uper left, written upper left]]
[[embossed stamp, oval, illegible, upper left]]
S30013 [[stamped upper right]]
SV [[written, upper right]]
Ertn [[?best guess, written, upper right]]

Washington, D.C. November 1st 1883
Professor S.F. Baird, Director of the National Museum.
The only accession to the materia medica collection noted since last report, consists of an addition to the series of Photographs of the Medicinal Plants, by C.H. Lochman.
A generous contribution of indigenous medicinal plants for the Herbarium has been received from Prof. Ward, but not yet entered in the Register.
There is evident need of a proper Case in which to store the Herbarium Specimens, as they accumulate.
About a hundred additional botanical illustrations have been mounted and put on exhibition.
The preparation of labels and compilation of the Pharmacopoias is still continued.
I am strongly of the opinion that the effectiveness of the exhibit in this section would be greatly increased by the use of [[underlined]] square [[underlined]] exhibition bottles instead of the round ones now in use. Owing to refraction and reflections of light due to the cylindrical form of the present bottle, only a narrow line of the enclosed specimen is clearly visible, whereas bottles with a flat surface would exhibit the specimen equally well across the whole diameter.
Very respectfully
J. M. Flint