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[[ water stamp, oval design of a castle]] 

I. 8. upper. Annrep. for 1884

Annual Report
Dr. H.G. Beyer W.S.N.
 Hon. Curator of the Materia Medica Section.
Washington, D.C.
Dec. 30th, 1884.

Professor Spencer F. Baird,
Director of U.S. National Museum.

In accordance with your instructions received Dec. 4th 1884, I herewith respectfully submit the following annual report regarding the Section of Materia Medica of this museum.

During the past year specimens of drugs have been contributed to this departments principally by D. Morris Esq., Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Jamaica; Messrs. F.W. Stearns & Co., Detroit, Mich.; Mr. G.W. Jewett, Inspector of Drugs, New York; and Messrs. Fritzsche Bros., New York; numbering in all 406.

When specimens are received, they are, after being carefully examined, entered upon the register and according to their condition are dried, bottled and labelled, after which, they are added to the exhibit, which is arranged as follows: First, Animal Products; Second, Vegetable Products; Third, Products of Fermentation and Distillation; Fourth, Inorganic Products; the entire collection being prefaced by an array of all the "medicinal forms" in which medicines are administered. In addition to the above there is a separate collection of Chinese Materia Medica. 
Succeeding the general collection is an exhibit of some of the most popular mineral waters. Each of these is shown