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[[water stamp, oval design of the castle with two words]]                                         

in the quantity of 10 liters and with it each of its saline constituents, in the exact weight which analysis has shown to be present in that volume of the water; thus representing to the eye the quantity of each constituent salt ingested with a given quantity of water, and furnishing a quantitative table, without the use of figures, for comparison of the different mineral waters.

A catalogue of the collection has been printed, and a classification of the forms in which drugs are administered, by Dr. James W. Flint U.S.N., also will be found a "Report on the Pharmacopoeias of all Nations"  by Dr. Flint. No original researches have been carried on in this department owing to the want of necessary apparatus.

Number of specimens now on exhibition 3201
[[ditto for]] Number of specimens [[/ditto for]] awaiting care room 289
[[ditto for]] Number of specimens [[/ditto for]] duplicates 300
Total number entered on register 4442
Illustrative of Drug-yielding Plants, there are now properly placed on exhibition 136 photographs and 350 colored plates.
During the year 1500 labels have been sent in to Prof. G. B. Goode for printing; at present 893 are permanently attached to specimens.

The establishment of an exhibit of materia medica in this museum, as part of the general exhibit intended to illustrate man, his environments and usages, past and present, must indeed be considered a most important step in the right direction.

The origin of this collection dates to 1882, when the