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approval and profound interest and the [[underlined]] raison d'etre [[/underlined]] of this section of the U. S. National Museum would be proportionately increased. I would therefore respectfully and earnestly urge the necessity of providing the means for investigating this valuable stock of material now contained in the collection.
I would suggest that a laboratory outfit be given to this section for the chemical investigation of drugs, this outfit to be placed and arranged in the room above those we now occupy. The following is a list of articles necessary for such investigation with the prices attached.
Acetic Acid 1 th .50
Muriatic " [[ditto for: Acid]] 1 " [[ditto for: th]] .25
Nitric " [[ditto for: Acid]] 1 " [[ditto for: th]] .26
Oxalic " [[ditto for: Acid]] 1 " [[ditto for: th]] .65
Phosphoric " [[ditto for: Acid]] 1 " [[ditto for: th]] .85
Sulphuric " [[ditto for: Acid]] 5 " [[ditto for: th]] 1.50
Absolute Alcohol 10 pts. 5.50
Ammonium hydrate 5 ths [[underlined]] 1.00 [[/underlined]]
" [[ditto for: Ammonium]] molybdate 1/16 " [[ditto for: ths]] .50
" [[ditto for: Ammonium]] oxalate 1/8 " [[ditto for: ths]] .20
Amyl hydrate, redistilled  1 " [[ditto for: ths]] .30
" " [[dittos for: Amyl hydrate,]] G.P. 1 " [[ditto for: ths]] 2.00
Barium chloride 1 " [[ditto for: ths]] .30
Benzole G.P. 5 " [[ditto for: ths]] 5.00
Bisulphide Carbon 6 " [[ditto for: ths]] 2.10
Animal Charcoal 5 " [[ditto for: ths]] 1.25
Chloroform, Squills 5 " [[ditto for: ths]] 8.75
Copper Sulphate 1/16 "[[ditto for: ths]] .10
Ether, Conc. pure. 5 " [[ditto for: ths]] 4.00
Glycerine 3 " [[ditto for: ths]] 1.80
Ferric Chloride 1 " [[ditto for: ths]] .50