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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 13 1924 ]]

Cleverest Farm
Alpine, New York

W. Altee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Gentlemen: ---

A youthful romance, a runaway marriage, the role of farmer's wife and homemaker, and then the war; all these experiences were mine in one crowded year.  There are days of loneliness and unrest, even hours of terror over unaccustomed silences, and always the problems of adjustment to new and exacting conditions. 

Long evenings of that first winter were spent over the catalogues of various seed houses, planning the gardens and the lawn  until I had visualized the whole and made myself part of this new environment. Much of the happiness and content that have come to me I owe to the service that "Burpee" has given us.  What would have happened