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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 13 1924 [[/stamped]]

Bigler Pa. Aug. 11" 1924   
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.

For Prize Contest:

What Burpee's Seeds have done for me:

I have been planting Burpee's Seeds for Several Years And have had Satisfactory results from a financial Standpoint.
But I have learned Something from planting these reliable Seeds that is more enduring. I have been taught that It is unwise to plant poor Seeds because they cost less, or forsake and old friend tried and true, for a new one of an unknown quantity.

I have watched the unfolding of the flowers from plants grown from Burpee's Seeds and have thought how like they are to the good deeds of a good man.
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