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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 13 1924 [[/stamped]] 

EMMITSBURG,MD., August 11 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co

Dear Sirs  

For Prize Contest

I will say it is both a pleasure and profit to me to plant Burpees seeds a pleasure to plant for I no the seeds will grow and be true to name, and others a profit if you plant the Early seeds such as Sunnybrook Earham Tomato I have had Tomatoes on Market for the last three weeks the only ones home growen around here and I im getting the profit let me tell you also sweet corn and Limas I will start this week with them and this past spring was very hard to get them started but they look very good to me just so full of beans and blossoms 
Giant Boldest and Sunnybrook pole Limas the only kind I plant and how I can sell them last year I sold Limas from the middle of July till the last week in Oct and the people would not wait for Mrs Springers Limas they say have the best oh how do you get them like that I say I plant Burpee Seed

Very Respectfully yours
Mrs C C Springer
Emmitsburg Md
R. R. No 1