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For Prize Contest #4512
Dear Mr. Burpee:-
Aus 8/24/24
This clipping from "Farm Life" expresses my sentiments exactly.  My "Burpee garden,"  wonderfully interesting, does me a world of good.  Every evening, I have, seed, water it.  Every morning, hurry out to see what progress has been made.  New buds, new blossoms, something new every day -- fresh air, exercise, interest are my rewards.
Burpee's seeds are wonderful.  I verily believe that every one of mine has grown.  Am looking forward to next years garden -- a much bigger, bellim one. Am planning it now.  Will order from Burpee, and use those helpful little leaflets that you offer free to all.
Katherine Tynon
August 13, 1924
Peru, Nebraska

Clipping from "Farm Life"
A Friend
A garden was the greatest friend
I ever had;
My life was full of sorrow, and
My hear was sad.
A strange thing it may seem, but
That garden's wiles,
My tears ceased falling and my face
Again wore smiles.
I tended it with care, and watched
It with delight;
I weeded it and by my toil,
Kept if from blight.
I thought I made the garden then;
I could not see
Until a long time afterward,
That it made me!
--Ida M. Thomas