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The stay in Udde, even if all your papers are O.K., is very tedious.  Your luggage is examined out in the open customyard, if it rains your clothes get wet, if it is dry your clothes get filthy from the sand dust, camel dung and other kinds of dirt. If the customs examiner does not like looking through your luggage on that day, you have to wait for another day.  If the G.P.U. official is absent, then there is no one to examine your passport and you have to wait till he returns.  The Mongolian language [[strikethrough]] however [[/strikethrough]] has a good word which is " Margage " which means, later, to-morrow, in a week's time, perhaps it may mean months.  The Mongols have proverb "Only thieves and robbers are in a hurry", and live accordingly.  The distance from Kalgan to Udde is 340 miles.  The hotel in Udde which consists of one room for foreigners and three rooms for Chinese and contains a few thousand bugs, charges $.- 80cts. per day.  As there are sometimes 100 Chinese passing through on the same day it is rather a paying proposition.  That there is no accommodation and that you have to sleep outside if the rooms are full does not matter, you pay 80 cts. just the same.  Then you pay 60cts. per day for tea ^[[and]] water.  There is a well outside the station and I once had to stay there with about 50 Chinese when the well was dry.  We had to use our own motor car to fetch water from [[underlined]] another well [[/underlined]] 10 miles away.  Besides using our own machine and gasoline, we had to pay 60.cts. per head just the same.  Then you have to pay 60 cts. per day for your food.  You get a Chinese bowl full of flour to make something, how you make it and where you cook it, is your own lookout, but you have to pay.  That time we were stuck for about 10 days in Udde, because some passports [[xxx]] were not O.K. and we had to pay at the rate of a 100 dollars a day for staying there.  No wonder the officials were not in a hurry to let us go.

Udde is situated in a big flat plain of sand, from there the road gets a little better and more, interesting. [[strikethrough]]  The distance from Kalgan to Udde is about [[/strikethrough]]
The next stopping place is Sain Ussu " Good water " is about 100 miles away from Udde.  These rest houses