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At last they all got tired of it and the German returned to his country.  There was a time, some years ago when the Government was full of schemes to industrialize Mongolia.  They engaged quite a number of specialists and brough them to Urga.  A Swedith Chemist, the only thing he did, was to analize the water of the Tola.  Then there was a German expert carpenter.  I asked him what he was good for and he told me that he made the models for steelcastings.  But as there were no steelcastings to be made, they found out that they did not need models and he was sent home again.  They also argued that they had sheepswool and therefore should be able to make cloth.  They bought a lot of machinery.  When the expert told them, that the staple of the Mongolian wool is much to short to make cloth from it, they thought he was no use, packed up the machinery and sent the man home.  They also had a European doctor and ordered a lot of medicines from Tientsin, but when they wanted their soldiers to be treated by the doctor, and to take European medicine, they all refused and insisted on having their old Llama doctors.  Now in later years the Russians have sent many doctors to Mongolia and there are quite up to date hospitals there now.

The climate of Outer Mongolia is very severe, the summer is very short.  The snow melts in the beginning of June and even then the nights are very cold.  The grass on the steppes starts to grow, the flowers are coming out slowly and in July Mongolia is very beautiful.  There is nothing in the world to beat the clear clean air, the breathing is like drinking champagne.  The Sunrises and Sunsets, if a painter would dare to paint the different colors of the sky when the sun rises and sets, nobody would believe him.  But the summer is very short and I have seen snow already in the beginning of August.  This short space of time does not give corn and other plants time to ripen, that's why nothing grows there except grass.  The winter is very severe, there is not so much snow but terribly cold winds.  The duststorms in spring and autumn are so strong that we sometimes had to stop our motorcar, first of