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Page 42

The sale of the sheep skins and ox-hides of animals which have died a natural death or were slaughtered for food, or the sale of a few ponies when the mongols need to buy tea, tobacco or some new cloth or silk for a dress.  They keep a large number of mares to make Kumiss out of the milk in summer and to sell the animals to China.  The mongol cannot possibly collect sufficient feed for his herds in winter and he therefore drives them to such part of the country where there are mountains and a little dry grass remains in the valley protected ffrom the winds.  But in spite of that a fairly large percentage of his animals die during the winter months.

On account of the cold weather and the unhygenic way of living, there is a lot of tuberculosis and small -pox in the country.  There is also another very dangerous sickness in autumn, when the marmots are hunted and that is the plague which affects the lungs.  The illness is transferred from [[strikethrough]] to th [[/strikethrough]] the marmot skins causes the swelling of the lungs and death comes very quickly.  When there is an illness in a mongol Jurta, a fence of sticks is put side-ways from the door of the Jurta, so that every passer-by knows that there is somebody dangerously ill inside and does not enter.  When the mongol gets sick, he sends for a lama and if his people think [[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]] that he is going to die, they put him outside the Jurta to let him die outside.  It would never do for him to die in the Jurta for his spirit would stick there and bring bad luck.  Rich Mongols have a cloth tent erected for them to die in.  When he is really dead, his relations put the body on a wooden cart , without any springs ,of course, ^[[a]] rather wild horse is put into the shafts and the driver shoots off with his load.  The cart makes a long circle of a few miles round the Jurta over fields, ditches and hills.  As the body is not tied to the cart, it will sooner or later fall off the same and that remains lying in the field.  During the journey the driver is not allowed to look round to see, where the body was bumped off for otherwise the spirit of the dead mongol would follow him back to the Jurta and bring bad luck.  The body is soon eaten up by roaming dogs, that are really the scavengers of mongolia.