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stopping. The whole day we drove a bit, stuck in the mud now and then, dug the car out again and so forth, till towards evening we were lucky enough to find some mongol Jurtas.
On the way from Urga to Manchouli you have to pass a mountain pass, which is nearly as bad as the one near to Kalgan. We were travelling with two trucks, I was in the first one and a chauffeur Ivanow was driving the second one. It was already getting dark and in the twilight Ivanow missed the road and his truck tumbled over. The benzine tank on trucks is under the driver's sear and when we stopped and ran back to the car, Ivanow was Jambed in and soaked with benzine. His legs were damaged and we carried him aside and put him on the ground alongside of the road and went back to try to straighten up the car. In the menawhile it had got quite dark and while we were working, a mongol passed us and rode up to Ivanow, where he got off his pony. He saw something lying on the road which he could not see and like a fool lit a match to see what was up, with the result that Ivanow;s benzine-soaked clothes got on fire and before we could reach him, the poor fellow had been burned to death.
On another journey during the beginning of winter the roads were getting rather slippery through the snow and I told my chauffeur not to go so fast; of course he said " Nichewo ". We had a small Dodge Touring car with only three buriats and a Mongolwoman who had asked us for a lift, because she was anxious to get to Urga to give birth. We travelled very fast, when all at once the old car started skidding, we struck the side of the road and fortunately the spokes of the hindwheel broke, every one of them, and the car righted itself again; if these spokes had not broken, the cat certainly would have turned over. The buriats and the woman, who were sitting on top of the luggage shot through the air and landed on the field, no great damage done, only the woman in family was complained of a headache. I though to myself, good look anyhow, if the old girl starts getting a kid now, what are we going to do about it. We quickly put up a tent and one of