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Page 59
did not know.  In spite of the glaring headlights he kept on warning us in our drive across country, ^[["]]look out^[[,]] there is a big stone,^[["]] or"a little to the right there is a ditch in front" and in this manner he kept on directing us until we got back to the road which meant a walk back for him to his Jurta for about 3 miles^[[.]] ^[[S [[drawn in over lowercase s]]]]still^[[, he]] was very glad to accept a handful of cigarettes as reward. Once I had the pleasure of having a Mongolian chauffeur on the regular government trucks and after the styl^[[e [[written in over another illegible character to correct typo]]]] of the ^[[capitalize mark under the "m" in "mongol"]]mongol, he thought that where you can get across with a pony, the motor car can do it too. That's where^[[vertical line separating "where" from "he"]]he made a mistake^[[. W [[capital W written in over lowercase w]]]] when he tried to jump across a ditch, that settled the engine and there were about 24 ^[[capitalize mark under the "m" in "mongolian"]]mongolian [[strikethrough]] passegers [[/strikethrough]] passengers and myself stuck in the middle of nowhere.  As the Mongol had of course no idea of how to repair cars, we had to walk to the nearest settlement and were lying in Jurtas for 2 weeks before some other truck was sent to fetch us to Urga.  Without bread, ^[[no [[written in over other illegible characters]]]]thing to drink except warm water, no cigarettes^[[,]] only mutton in the morning, noon and night, without even a little salt, the menu gets a bit monotonous after a short time.  I am not greedy by nature but I made out quite a nice menu for myself for the first evening when I should get back to Urga. The car which was sent to fetch us, was rather a small truck, but we, the 24 of us were glad to get a move on. [[strikethrough]] The women and kids were place in the center and the men sat around the edge with their legs hanging down the sides.  Just our luck, it started raining towards evening when we were still about 50 miles away from the nearest station and the chauffeur put up a big canvas, which was fastened to two poles in the center of the car and covered the whole car.  On the sides there was nothing to fasten the canvas to, but the edges had to be held up [[/strikethrough]]
          There are no rickshaws in big town^[[s]] like Urga^[[.]] ^[[A [[written over lowercase a]]a Chinaman once [[strikethrough]] called [[/strikethrough]] brought one there together with a rickshaw coolie but they were both arrested,as the government thought it below the dignity of one man to pull another.  Bycicles are [[strikethrough]] getting [[/strikethrough]] ^[[becoming]] fashionable now and quite a number have been imported but of course you can only ri^[[d [[written in over illegible character]]]]e in the town itself,the roads in the country are not