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has a specific gravity of 0'8642.
At a temperature of about 10°C. a portion of the oil congeals and may be readily seperated by filtration. The clear filtered oil has a sp. gr. of 0'9478. When solidified by cold and gradually warmed, incipient fusion commences at 5°C. (41°F.) and the oil becomes perfectly limpid at 10°C. (50°F.).

Its cohesion figure does not give a very reliable test, the oil rapidly rolls out in the form of a perfect ring, remains quiet for some moments, then gradually retraces for a short distance with an occasional portion retreating so far as to leave a long narrow strip covered with minute spots which in the course of a few minutes is plainly discernible over the entire surface. 

Treated with a drop of strong nitric acid in a few seconds a faint purple coloration is produced changing quickly to a