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anaemia induced by the drug, owing to contraction of the bloodvessels which is said to ensue when this drug is administrated.

In the above investigations it was found that all the potassium salts tried, namely:- the Iodide, Bromide, and Chloride, dilatation pure and simple with large and small doses was invariably produced and no contraction whatever resulted at any time of the experiments. It is therefore, rendered exceedingly probable by the results obtained in these experiments, that contraction of the bloodvessels is no part of, at least, the direct action of these salts and if the latter produce dilatation at all, it can only be owing to an effect which they might possibly exert on the vaso-motor centre in the medulla. 

Central anaemia, however, might still be produced even without the assumption of such an effect on the vaso-motor centre, in about the following manner:- In all the experiments which