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[[letterhead pre-printed in red]] 
United States National Museum
Under Direction Of
The Smithsonian Institution 
Washington [[/letterhead pre-printed in red]]

December 4th 1886.

Professor Spencer F. Baird,
Director of National Museum.


During the month of November the following specimens were entered on the register,viz:- Conocladia integrifolia, Simaruba glauca and Assafoedita. Doctor C.A. White of the Geological survey presented the department with one bottle of Mexican Mescal which will be placed on exhibition. 

A letter of inquiry as to the chemical composition of Havanna tobacco and other tobaccos and the method of cultivating them was received and an answer transmitted under date of the 20th Nov. 

Four boxes of specimens have been packed and are now ready for storage. These drugs are all duplicate specimens of comparatively little value; they had all