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the vegetable and animal products require constant supervision.  The enemies threatening the destruction of these specimens are for the most part parasites of both the vegetable and animal kingdoms, but bacteria and fungi are the most predominant among them.  A number of remedies have been tried from time to time with more or less satisfactory results ^[[,]] but none, it seems, that were so free from objections and the results of which were so promising as the one which will be briefly mentioned below.

As it became an established and widely recognized fact that mercuric chloride, one of the most powerful germicides known, was volatile at almost all ordinary temperatures and, furthermore, as it is entirely out of the question to soak drugs in any of the common fluid preservative agents for reasons which are obvious, [[strikethrough]] it occurred to [[/strikethrough]] the curator [[strikethrough]] of the collection [[/strikethrough]] ^[[has attempted]] to [[strikethrough]] try and [[/strikethrough]] take advantage of this property possessed by the chloride in preserving drugs, since this seemed at first sight to present