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[[strikethrough]] the Handbuch der Hygiene which you were pleased to refer to me for report.  The volume which was received forms but a small portion of that already well-known and celebrated greater treatise on "General Hygiene", now in process of preparation.  Recent researches in bacteriology having made it appear necessary that a most thorough and painstaking revision of the entire field of Hygiene should be made, ^[[and]] a gal[[strikethrough]] l [[/strikthrough]]axy of some of the most celebrated and distinguished hygienists of Germany have combined, each in his own specialty ^[[,]] to accomplish this end.  Their names, in my opinion, warrant that the undertaking will be a success in more than one respect.

^[["]] The volume under immediate consideration treats of the soil, its physical and chemical characteristics, their dependencies, the relations which they bear to human health and the changes, either natural or artificial ^[[,]] which tend to make the soil either a means for the prevention of desease or, on the other hand, tend to endanger human exis- [[/strikethrough]]