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[[preprinted]] 11 [[/preprinted]]
[[six column table]]
[[underlined (column headers)]] |Civil Time|  Chron. Time|  Altitudes|  Latitude|  Longitude| Remarks| [[/underlined]]
[[no entries in table]]
[[wavy line across page]]
|T. Dec 18|   |   |   |   |[[double underlined]]Tues. Dec 18/60[[/double underlined]]|
|W. 19th |Calm Day - 9 P.M.|Therm _ 16°| Bar. 30.200_|   |
|        |Note, the weather quite edurable, and more so than when the Therm. has shown +32° with a breeze or moisture.|
|Th. Dec 20|Wind N.E. _ 9 P.M. Therm. +8°,|Bar. 30.050,|[[double underlined]]Th. Dec 20[[/double underlined]]|
|Ther. A.M. - 8°|10 P.M. " [[for Therm.]] +14°,|" [[for Bar.]] 30.000,|
|               |Wind blowing a gale from N.E. -|
|               |12 P.M. Ther. +18° -|Bar 30.000|
|Fr. Dec 21st | A.M. Wind light from East. -|[[double underlined]]Fr. Ded 21st[[/double underlined]]
|             |  "   Therm. +21 | Bar. 30.012|
|             |True Altitude of [[circumpunct (sun symbol)]] by computation today is 3°.41'.28"|
|             |                 [[circumpunct (sun symbol)]] rising - h9.m35.s27|
|             |                 [[circumpunct (sun symbol)]] setting - 2.24.33|
|             |                                        Length of Day - 4.49.06|
|             |                                           "   of Night 19.10.54|
|             |Amplitude of [[circumpunct (sun symbol)]] at rising E. 60°.46' S.|
|             |             [[circumpunct (sun symbol)]]   setting W. 60 .46 S.|
|             |9 P.M. Ther. +28°| Bar. 30.075_|Wind fresh N.E., Raining!|
[[wavy line across page]]
|Sat Dec 22|A.M. Therm +32 1/2°!|Bar 30.100_|[[double underlined]]Sat Ded 22nd[[/double underlined]]|
           |10 P.M "   +33 1/2°|  "  28.975 - Rain}|Much rain during past night. Igloos, melting down.|
|Sun De 23rd|10P.M. Therm +18°|Bar. 30.225,|wind N.E. Light|[[double underlined]]Sun.Dec 23rd[[/double underlined]]
Sun Dec 30|11 P.M. Blowing a gale from N.E.|[[double underlined]]Sun Dec 30[[/double underlined]]|
|                |Ther. Zero _|Bar. 29.300_|
|M. Dec 31st|A.M.  "     Do.| 29.200| Calm|[[double underlined]]Mon. Dec 31st[[/double underlined]]|
[[remainder of page is blank]]

Transcription Notes:
For how to transcribe tables, see pages 3 & 4.