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[[pre-printed]] 15 [[/pre-printed]]
[[six column table]]
[[underlined (column headers)]] |Civil Time|  Chron. Time|  Altitudes|  Latitude|  Longitude| Remarks| [[/underlined]]
|Sat. Feb. 16th|Trip across Budlington Bay from Roger's Island.|[[double underlined]]T. Feb.12/61|
|   |In a direct Course made 2000 steps every 20 minutes,each step 2ft 2".|
|   |Total number of steps 11,000. Distance, therefore,s 3 9/10 miles,|   |
|   |having started at 12.30 and arrd at 2.20 P.M., making 110 minutes.|   |
[[wavy line across page]]|
|Sat. Feb 16th|Started on trip to Kou-tukjua,8 A.M. Fine day.[[double underlined]]Sat. Feb. 16[[/double underline]]|
|Noon| [[circumpunct (sun symbol)]]'s Alt. 14°.10' with horizon 10 miles Distant. _ 2 miles fr. Kowtuky.]]|   |
|   | arrd at Koutuky. h2.m45 P.M.|   |
|   |Left -     Do      4..00  "|   |
|   |4 P.M. Left Koutujua|   |
|   |Course East 3 miles}   |
|   |Thence East to a Channel leading North with Ookoodlear Points W.|   |
|   |Then Nth. up Channel,5 miles, then at|   |
|   |7.15 P.M. Arrive at Ugrarng; Igloo on a small Isld. East side Channel|   |
[[wavy line across page]]
|M. Feb. 18|9.40 A.M. Started on Journey from Ugarng's Igloo to Roger' Isld.|[[double underlined]]Mon. Feb. 18[[/double underlined]]|
|   |Course due South    wind fresh from North and cold _|   |
|   |4 miles to|   |
|   |Sth Pt of Ookoodlear -    End of Channel by opening to Bud.Bay.]]|   |
|   |At 1.10 P.M. underway in|   |
|   |Buddington Bay -|   |
|   |Koutukjua West (due)|   |
|   |5.20 P.M. arrd at Igloos,Rogers Island_|   |
|   | Note, h4.m10 from parallel of Koutukjua _|   |
[[line across page]]
|Th. Feb. 21|A.M. Started from Roger's Island to the ship _ fine day|[[double underlined]] Th. Feb. 21[[/double d]]
|   |Corse due south till 2.30 P.M.|   |
|   |then S. 73W (true) to extent of Bergy Bay|   |
|   |Arr. at Bergy Bay 3.15 P.M. and made land.|   |
|   |Then across the land in h2.m45.|   |
|   |6 P.M. arrd at Sea Ice, N.9. part of Rescue Bay.
|   |6.30 P.M. arrived at the Ship.|   |
|   |Note. Total period of absence|   |
|   |Left ship Th. Jan 10th A.M.}|   |
|   |Red       Th. Feb 21st Evg } making 43 days|   |
|   |42 nights in Igloo _|   |

Transcription Notes:
For how to transcribe tables, see pages 3 & 4.