Viewing page 23 of 28

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[[embossed stamp or watermark in upper right corner of the page [[? letters "P & S" (reversed) in a diamond inside a circle with unreadable words]]
[[vertical note in left margin]]
Keep this sheet with Aug 19/61
FHall N.Y. Jan 22/64
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[pre-printed vocabulary text]]
|204|to go|ir|alier|ire|
|205|to come|venir|venir|venire|
|207|to work|trabahar|travailler|operari|
|208|to steal|robar|volar|furare|
|209|to lie|mentir|mentir|mentiri|
|210|to give|dar|donner|dare|
|211|to laugh|reir|rire|ridere|
|212|to cry|gritar|crier|elamarc|
[[/pre-printed vocabulary text]]
A 2 = [contains bone in the
      [hind flipper of a Seal
" 3 = [[strikethrough]] [[?Thumb]] Little bird
" 4 = Thumb
" 5 = Breast Bone
" 6
" 7
[[line across page]]
[[three columns]]
[[first column]]
B 1=[crack or fracture
    [mark in anything
" 2)= A straight line
      -not crooked.
" 4 Any rock that falls
from a mountain caused
by frost
[[/first column]]
[[middle column]]
B 5) = old
" 7 A peculiar strip
of Seal skin secured
on the shoulder of
the jacket of the Esq-uimeax
8 = a Louse
9 = Rabbit[[/middle column]]
[[third column]]
[[?]] 10 =Thin ice

12 Small hole made in skins
by sharp sticks used in drying them
13 Quick - active
14 something that grows in the Sea - belongs to the Fish Kingdom
15 Soo-king  Whale bone (fins)
16 Too much boy - frivolous
[[/third column]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[blank except for the unreadable stamp or watermark, and a few stains]]