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A true report of Capteine Frobisher his last voyage into the West and Northwest regions, this present yere 1577. With a description of the people there inhabiting.

On Whitsunday last past, being the 26th of May in this present yere of our Lord God 1577 Capteine Frobisher departed from Blacke Wall.

H. 1587{ On Whitsunday, being the sixe and twentieth of Maye in [[underline]]the[[/underline]] yeere of our Lord God 1577 &c. &C. &. &c.

[[wavy line across page]]

[[in left margin of the following paragraph]]H
[[/in left margin]]

[[left-hand side of page]]
H. # 1589 ^[[page [[624]] ]] 22-21 line from bottom - page
"but by the valure of our Master
Gunner Master H^[[I]]ackman and
Andrew Dier, the Masters
Mates, men expert both in &c

Last three lies of page 624
& 1st 16 lies of page 625
((Hakluyt of 1589) not in "Restituta"

625 29th line from top
"The storms of this supposed
Continent with America,
be [[strikethrough]] altt [[/strikethrough]] altogether  [[underlined]] sparkled [[/underlined]] and
glister in the sunne like gold!"

625 H.
Aftger our Generall had found out
good harborough for the ship and barkss
to anker in, and also such store
of gold ore, as he thought himself
satisfied withall, he returned to
the Michael, where of Master
Yorke aforesaid, was Catpaine,
accompanied with our Master, and
his Mate: who coasting along the
West shoare not farre from whence
the ship rode they [[strikethrough]]perceived[[/strikethrough]]
[[/left-hand side of page]]
[[right-hand side of page]]
From Restituta (Brydges Vol. 2 1815)
"but by the valure of our
Master Gunner, being
expert both in &c"
[[skips down to opposite "625 29th line from top]]
203 R.
"The stones of this supposed
continent with America, be altogether [[underlined]] sparkling [[/underlined]] &
glisten in the sunne like gold:"

After our Generall had
founde out good harborough
for the ship and barkes
to[[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] anchor in: and also suche stone of golde
aure as he thought him
self satisfied withall, he
sent backe our Master
with one of the barkes, to
conducte the great ship unto him who coasting
[[end of page]]