Viewing page 20 of 112

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[[image - pencil drawing of woman's face sketched on pre-printed page of Comparative Vocabulary]]
[[pre-printed page]]
|126|turkey|pavo, guanajo|dindon|pavo|
|136|light blue|azul|bleu|coeruleum|
|138|light green|verde|verd|viridis|
|139|great, large|grande|grand|magus|
|140|small, little|pequeno|petit|parvus|
|149|warm, hot|calido|chaud|calidus|
[[/pre-printed page]]
[[random, simple, readable calculations]]

Transcription Notes:
The page has random calculations on it which seem unrelated - probably just used as notepaper - untranscribed. - user. --- Please do transcribe all writings that appear on pages. They give historical context to what Hall was doing at the time and may be useful to researchers. Also, please transcribe the vocabulary. If you hover over the image, an option will appear on the upper left that will allow you to rotate the image. Thanks for all your contributions! - TC Staff