Viewing page 21 of 112

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[[image - pencil drawings of men and sledge outside igloo village with trail marks of the sledge]]
[[pre-printed page from Comparative Vocabulary book used as scratch paper]]
|102|maize|mais|ble d'inde|zea maiz|
|104|flesh, meat|carne|chair|caro|
|106|buffalo|bidonte, bufalo|buffle|biso, bubalus americanus|
|110|deer| ciervo|cerf|cervus|
|111|elk|alce|elan, original; alces americanus|
|113|rabbit, hare|conejo|lapin, lievre|lepus|
|118|snake|culebra, serpiente|serpent|serpens|
|119|rattlesnake|calebra de cascabel| serpent a sonnetes|crotalus|
|125|duck (mallard)|anade|canard|anas sponsa|

Transcription Notes:
Please note the pre-printed vocabulary words. You may rotate the image to make the words easier to read. Thanks for all your contributions! - TC Staff.