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[[image is a full page and in pencil]]

[Image is labelled on top, bottom, and the left side of the page with what appear to be latitudinal and longitudinal numbers; in the upper right corner a bay is labelled and a fleet of ships(?). These are described as "ten miles" and "three miles" from the lower of two dark shapes to the bay's left.

In the upper left corner of the page is the label highlands(?); center left below this is a notation of "July 15/62"; bottom left "? Point" is noted "to ? = 7 miles ??? 1/5th ????"

At the center of the top of this page, a grey vertical oblong is labelled "Grass ? Plains" and with the phrase "3 miles" over a dotted line with arrows at either end.

The black oblong running vertically along the page's right edge, up to and including what's labelled "Bay", is labelled "Coal" with a northward pointing arrow.]

[[place names clockwise from top right:
Nedleyong Bay  Many ships
Low land
Capt Brown [[?]] Whales
Tikkoon where found iron
Malekertunkbing or Frob. Hr.
Twerpukja Point to Oping = 7 miles less 1/5th Harbor West.
Kunnukjurung Isle
see July 15/62
low land mass
E-too nop ing

Although all labels are in cursive, the possible place names are so unusual and overall handwriting so cramped, I can't make much out.