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[[sheet of paper overlying another sheet, nothing visible on lower sheet]]
[[in red]] The flow from
pages [[encircled 5]] & [[encircled 52]] [[?Books]] 19 orig. Notes
[[/in red]]
Draft Resolution!
other Islands
[[in red]]
" [[encircled 1]] Too-jarn 
"[[encircled 2]] Too-jar-chu-ar ^[[ [[underlined]] largest [[/underlined]] ]]; "[[encircled 3]] Too-jar-oo-chin
"[[encircled 4]] Ok-pun
"[[encircled 5]] small island
" the Ok-pun plenty as Su-pung-sin head
" Tuk-o-lik-ju-in
[[image in black with red ditto marks down left margin: top to bottom: two large islands labelled 4, 2, 1, 5; below this is a cluster of four small islands labelled "3." Then a gap down to a peninsula and coastline, the peninsula labelled in red "Koo-tar-koo."  Off to the right in black the word "Recluse."