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In the past fiscal year  the installation of cases for exhibition purposes has been practically completed.  The only cases that have not yet been delivered are those for the second floor west wall, four small cases for the third floor west all and the frame cases for the staircase.  The contractor has promised that all of these will be in position by July 1st.  The installation of the collections in the cases already delivered is practically completed with the exception of the third floor rear.  The entire installation will have to be gone over again for the purpose of harmonious adjustment and refinement.  The placing of the labels on the specimens has been started and is well in hand.
The interior of the building will be painted this summer.
The addition of a washroom for the women employees made necessary a minor structural change.  This washroom will be installed on the second floor.  The present washroom on the third floor will be changed for use by the public.
It is expected that the Museum will be entirely ready for opening to the public in the fall.

There has been no change in the status of the real estate owned by the Museum situated on the triangular block bounded by Saint Nicholas Ave., Saint Nicholas place and 151st Street.  The tenants of the four rented houses remain the same; and their rent has been increased so that the income from May 1st will be $100 a month more.  One of the houses on this block is still used for the housing and care of the Physical Anthropological Department.  Mr. James B. Ford has most generously continued his donations equivalent to the amount of taxes and the interest on the mortgage of this property.

Mr. Alanson B. Skinner resigned from the Museum on October 1st.
Miss Rose Grennan was added to the office staff on September 20, Mr. Frederick B. Coultee was added to the janitor's department on October 1st and Miss Ruth Gaines was appointed to the editorial staff on October 15th.


New Mexico.  Excavations at Hawikuh, New Mexico, by the Hendricks-Hodge expedition,a continuation of the work outlined in previous reports, was made possible by the continued generosity of Mr. Harmon W. Hendricks.  Mr. F. W. Hodge proceeded to Hawikuh early in June, joining there Messrs. Nusbaum and Coffin, who had preceded him by a few days.  After camp was established, Mr. Nusbaum carried practically to completion the uncovering of the ruins of the Franciscan monastery, work on which was suspended the autumn before on account of cold weather. On the arrival of Mr. Hodge
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the entire force of fifteen Zuni workmen was set to work at uncovering the walls of houses, a work that was continued with vigor almost until the season's activities were closed.  In all, one hundred and seven ground plans of dwellings were exposed during the season, ranging in depth from a few feet to 19 feet, and in addition the excavation of several rooms left unfinished at the close of the work of 1919 was completed.  The results gained by the exposure of these houses are of considerable importance, since they afforded the means of studying their structural features in every detail.  Many of the dwellings had been burned, and although some of these had been cleared and rebuilt in aboriginal times, others have been permanently abandoned while still others have been filled in and new structures erected on their walls.  Some of the deeper rooms belonged to the original Pueblo that evidently had been abandoned before the sixteenth century, and in the deepest house unearthed four distinct stories were found.  In many of the houses the floor beams were still at least partly in place, and in a few the floors were intact, although filled solidly beneath with drift sand.The objects found, strangely enough, were in better condition on the whole, in the burned dwellings, for the reason that, the roof some floors having fallen in, the fires were smothered, the objects that usually perish from decay being slightly charred and thus preserved.  In some of the houses, however, the heat had been so intense as to melt the earthenware utensils.  The chief value of the objects found in these houses, especially the pottery, lies in the fact that they support the conclusions reached in regard to the sequence of the earthenware of Hawikuh when the uncovering of the cemetery was finished, for in no case were the older types of pottery accompanied with articles of European origin, whereas the "recent glaze" vessels were almost invariably found in association with intrusive objects.  Noteworthy among the artifacts discovered are the terra-cotta head and part of the torso of a life-size image identified by the Zuni Indians as a "House Priestess," as well as fragments of similar effigies, and two bundles of prayer sticks known as étowe, found in a fine earthenware jar.  Such prayer-stick bundles are still used by the Zuni priests today and are regarded as one of the most sacred possessions of the tribe.  Many artifacts of pottery, stone, bone, wood, fabric, etc. were recovered and are now a part of the Museum collections.
Just before the season's work was brought to a close, a noteworthy discovery was made when experimental digging a few hundred yards west of Hawikuh revealed two circular kivas of the type belonging to the San Juan drainage of southern Colorado, and in no sense related to Hawikuh – in fact, they were built and abandoned hundreds of years before that pueblo was occupied.  There are evidences of two or three similar kivas, if not groups of kivas, in the immediate vicinity, but no time was left to uncover these, and indeed the excavation of the two referred to was not carried to completion.
Mr. Nusbaum conducted the photographic work and Mr. Coffin the survey, besides rendering valued aid in many other ways.
The researches of the expedition were brought to a close the middle of September. The entire expense of the Hawikuh researches have been borne by Mr. Hendricks.