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        Volumes catalogued (including 56 pamphlets)....    331
        Reprints places................................     65
        Periodicals accessioned........................    188
        Cards made and filed...........................    745
        L. C. cards received...........................    458
        Number of cards in catalog..................... 10,221


The activities of the Museum in the directions of disseminating the results of its researches were continued, the following publications being issued during the fiscal year:

"Pottery of Costa Rica and Nicaragua." By Samuel Kirkland Lothrop. Printed in two parts as Volume VIII of Contributions from the Museum.

"A Peruvian Quipu."  By L. Leland Locke. Printed as Volume VII, No. 5, of Contributions from the Museum.

"Pottery Types and the Sequence in El Salvador."  By Samuel Kirkland Lothrop. Printed as Volume I, No. 4, of Indian Notes and Monographs.

"List of Publications." Sixth edition. Printed as Miscellaneous No. 42 of Indian Notes and Monographs.

"Indian Notes."  Issued quarterly.

Since the last annual report the publications issued by the Museum comprised 1,165 pages, 212 plates, and 580 text figures. From January, 1926, to April, 1927, inclusive, there were published in Indian Notes fifty-six more or less comprehensive articles, in addition to lists of accessions of specimens by gift, and of contributions to the library, together with various minor notes pertaining to the activities of the Museum.


The Museum's collections of negatives, covering most of the important specimens therein, as well as field pictures of Indians and illustrations of different archaeological excavations, has been considerably increased this past year; and additions have also been made to our collection of prints.
The collection consists of:
     Moving picture film, negative (an increase of 
        215 feet during the year).................      8,765 feet
     Moving picture film, positive (an increase of 
        215 feet during the year)..................    27,538 feet
     Negatives (an increase of 629 during the year). ..11,598
     Prints, of which the Museum does not own the
        negatives (an increase of 866 during 
        the year)..................                     8,449
     Lantern slides....................................    64

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A most important exchange consummated during the fiscal year was with the Rijks Ethnographical Museum at Leiden, Holland, whereby the Museum received from them a most valuable collection of ethnology from the Carib and Arowak Indians of Dutch Guiana, and also a most complete archaeological collection from the Dutch West Indies, Dutch Guiana, and northern Brazil, besides a few very fine stone specimens from Venezuela. There are, in all, about one hundred specimens.

For the specimens received, we sent them some southwestern and plains ethnology, and archaeological specimens from various islands of the West Indies.

Minor exchanges were also made with Mr. Ernest Schernikow of Navaho blankets; with Mr. William Strait of Sioux specimens; with Dr. Marion Eppley of bows from various tribes for a medicine bag and contents from a Cheyenne; and with Mr. Charles T. Fririchs of archaeological specimens from Tottenville, Staten Island, for some from Ohio and Kentucky.


There have been added to the collections during the past fiscal year 17,955 specimens; and there are now in the entire collection 152,716 catalog entries--an increase during the year of 6,110.


The activities of the department have been carried on in the usual way during the past year. These were interrupted while the Curator, Dr. Bruno Oetteking, spent the summer in Europe, where some of the time was devoted to scientific pursuit and conferences with physical anthropologists. Purchases of comparative anatomical material and scientific literature were made at profitable rates. The former comprises about twenty skulls of anthropoid apes, monkeys, and carnivores, while the literary purchases include books of immediate importance. Both form valuable additions to the scientific equipment of the department.

The following accessions in the form of skeletal remains came to the department:

Skeltal remains found in jar 14/6658, from Arroyo Malo (off Canal Arias), Delta of the Panama River, Argentina. Mrs. Thea Heye expedition.

Skeleton from a pueblo site, Virgin River, Nevada. Collected by M. R. Harrington. 

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