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The Board duly extended to Mr. Archer M. Huntington the thanks of the Museum for his gift of the magnificent bronze doors hung on the main entrance of the Museum.

At the meeting of the Board held on December 1, 1931 routine matters were passed upon, and in addition action was taken to suspend the usual Christmas Fund and to authorize the borrowing of funds up to $10,000 to meet current needs.

The regular meeting called to be held on February 2, 1932 was adjourned owing to lack of a quorum and reconvened on February 26, 1932. At this meeting the reports of the Chairman and the Treasurer were presented and accepted and the affairs of the Museum were discussed at length but no action taken other than routine business. 


For last Fiscal Year, April 1, 1931 - March 31, 1932

          Week Days   Sundays   Holidays     Total 
          ---------   -------   --------    ------
April...... 4,677      1,552      ....      6,229
May........ 4,043      1,866       156      6,065
June....... 2,418      1,037      ....      3,455
July....... 3,320        852       107      4,279
August.....  ....       ....      ....       ....
September.. 1,890       ....      ....      1,890
October.... 2,143       ....      ....      2,143
November... 2,003       ....      ....      2,003
December... 2,509       ....      ....      2,509
January.... 1,878       ....      ....      1,878
February... 2,303       ....      ....      2,303
March...... 2,872       ....      ....      2,872 
           ------     ------    ------     ------
Total..... 30,056      5,307       263     35,626