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Attendance for fiscal year April 1, 1930 to March 31, 1931, 58,512 
Total attendance, since opening of Museum................. 509,735.

Due to the prevailing eonomic conditions it was found necessary to curtail the staff of the Museum during the past year and, therefore, it was obligatory to close the doors to the public during the month of August. Since then the Museum has been open on weekdays from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., remaining closed on Sundays and holidays. This change in hours has naturally decreased the attendance a very great deal, but I feel the loss has consisted principally of curiosity seekers and not the earnest students in whose interest the Museum is chiefly concerned.


The Museum building has been maintained in the usual manner during the past year. The most trouble we have had has been caused by leaks in the roof due to the working of the glass skylight in the sudden changes of temperature. However, these have been temporarily taken care of.
The exhibits are continually being changed as the opportunity arises. During the past summer all of the glass in the cases has been thoroughly cleaned, both outside and inside.


The two large totem poles obtained during the past fiscal year have been erected on the Annex grounds, after having been thoroughly soaked in oil and repaired in places. They make a most attractive exhibit and we are fortunate in having two such fine examples.