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IV. [[underlined]] Present State of Collection, etc. [[/underlined]]

Up to last year the arrangement of the specimens was only according to the natural orders as they are found in Bentham and Hookers' Ginira Plantanum. The change which has been made this year in the classification and, which is deemed of some importance, is, that each genus is placed in the order in which it occurs in the above-mentioned work.

The number of specimens now on exhibition in 3326, out of which 1457 have printed generic

[[Sentence is cut off as one piece of paper is on top of another, obscuring the top of the underlying paper.  The obscured part is shown on the next page.]]

V [[double underlined]] Recommendations. [[/double underlined]]

Under this head, I would again respectfully call your attention to the great importance of establishing a laboratory for the investigation of the chemical as well as physiological characters of drugs, in connection with this section of the museum.

In our opinion, there is no doubt, whatever that the establishment of such a laboratory, is a step in the direction in which this department must grow, not merely in order to take equal rank with similar European institutions, but for