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from the lawn when the ceremony was over. Harry received the folks at the door, that is at the south steps, and sent them down the veranda to us. Dad received them first, then Mother, then I, then Dorothy, then Eleanor. They were around the corner by this time, and Caroline got them for the guest roll. Then they went inside where Mrs. James was serving the punch and cake. They talked among themselves inside, leaving us free to receive newcomers and to get a little breath between-whiles. Most of the folks were very nice, some not so nice, and some fine indeed. Some of them I had met before, most of them I had not met. There were many Chinese friends. Also there were all manner of costumes. I was in white and Dad likewise. The other costumes ranged from full evening dress, through tux, whites, ordinary suits and dresses, down to afternoon dress and sweater. Only five or six were of the turn of mind to wish that we might be as happy as they and only a very few told me "I knew her when-". I expected lots of repetition of both remarks and was pleasantly disappointed. The wedding cake, iced in white, with red figures as in the drawing, waited until the crowd had gone. [[image - encircled Chinese characters and caption 30 June 1925]] I took a few pictures, and then we cut it with much ceremony, and the original wedding party, minus the consul who gone early, partook of it. Presently good-nights were said and we went upstairs, happy in the fact that we had each other and that we had had a wedding exactly right and fitting and satisfying in every detail.

1 July

   It was well along in the morning before we felt inclined to rise and mingle with our fellowmen, and then we had breakfast out on the porch adjoining our room. Presently and in due time we completed our appearance and went downstairs to greet the family. The day was spent quietly at home, packing was finished, the last wedding gift disposed of in the already overfull trunk, and preparations were made for our departure. Dorothy and I walked a little and visited the post office and the photographer. We got back in time for tea and our final changing of garments and packing of bags. The photographer came to see us and we purchased his plates of the wedding because we did not care for the samples we had seen of his finishing. We had supper, and soon after sup-