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rocks of the beautiful public park, the peak of the island, where Ch'ien Lung's palace once stood, failed to restore my feeling of peaceful satisfaction with the world around me, - a mood which the numerous photographers' shops on old pavilions only aggravated.

     Fortunately we went on to the beautiful grounds of the West Lake Seal society where a goldfish pond, a cared-for rockery, and properly  protected and honored stones of old West Lake scenes and modern writings and pictures made me happy again.  We climbed to the top of the hill, where there is a modern garden, with interesting statues of scholars of the society, a lotus pond, pavilions and a stone pagoda. We sat and drank tea and looked out over the lake, and enjoyed ourselves for quite a long time. There are numerous small tablets with pictures of well-known members of this leading literary society of Hangchou, and innumerable samples of the writing of the members and others.  Here we saw what the old tradition can do today if it takes an interest and is fired by some ambition. Two interesting statues are set in pleasant surroundings as though their subjects were taking their ease in the garden. They are cut of the common gray stone of the neighborhood, and the faces and hands are done with full expression while the draperies are but roughed-out in a broadly suggestive manner. They were rather satisfactory for their type of thing. At the little shop near the entrance we looked at many rubbings and some modern books of pictures and characters. Had I brought more money I should have carried home more rubbings. In a way it was fortunate that I did not, for now I shall have to return and that I shall be glad to do.

Wednesday, 8 July

    In the afternoon, after another rainy day, we ventured out to the photographer's to get our prints, which were very carelessly done so that we shall send our negatives to Peking hereafter, and then looked for T. B. Chang's house on the way home. We failed to find it, but he came in to call soon after we arrived here, so all was well. We chatted about sundry things, but will have to have along session to exchange all of the opinions we want to air for each other.