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German peoples to be united in one empire, this to include most of Switzerland, Austria, part of Czecho-Slovakia, and Alsace-Lorraine (where there are, he says, 2,000,000 men of whom only 185,000 are French, the other speaking German as well as he does); that the fault of the Kaiser was that he tried too long to maintain peace, first in Europe and then with America, not having strong enough personal advisors; that Wilson was too weak, and not able to enforce the keeping of his perfectly good fourteen points against such skilled politicians as Lloyd George; that the Dawes plan is useless because Germany cannot pay the indemnities; having no chance to properly recover her trade; and so on. It is interesting to hear him tell in one breath how Germany is handicapped, and in the next relate with pride how she has rebuilt over three and a half million tons of the five million tons of shipping she lost in the war, and how thru the economy she learned in the war she is able to compete again in world markets. Hindenburg, he says, has always been the idol of the soldiers, and though the revolution was effected by the people back of the line in 1918, the soldiers or former soldiers have been chiefly responsible for electing their leader recently. The monarchy will sometime be restored, he thinks, for Germany was more democratic under the monarchy than now. Bolshevism cannot succeed, because the workers are too well educated for it, though all will turn Bolshevist if France tries to annex the Ruhr. The Jews are the principles in the radical party in Germany, and so do not have the confidence of most of the people. He hasno use for the Jews at all at all. And so we talk or he spins yarns about his days of luxury as a prisoner of war, about the Germans and trade, and how they are able to beat the British in China because they understand the Chinese better, treat them with more respect, have more men who speak Chinese, and extend credit. He is, as I have said, a very excellent example of German nationalism in a well-educated individual who held a position of some importance in the old system. Allowing him to go on, and agreeing, as I do, with most that he says while overlooking the rest, I get much enjoyment and a very great deal of information and enlightenment from his conversation. This is proving to be a good voyage.