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conveyances, and when those conveyances and coolies take it into their minds to profiteer a little those who will enjoy the privileges must pay for the profits. The Estate has a kind of transportation service, but there are features out of its control.
Well, we walked up the hill, leaving our bags to be brought up by coolies while I carried a pack of clean clothes on my back. It was about three house from the bottom at Lien Hua Tung to the house in the valley at the top. Caroline and Louise met us near the top and here was a gay reunion, for Dorothy and Louise has not seen each other since Dorothy came out here last year, and Louise had not been at home since she started college. At the house the rest of the family welcome us and we met two girls who had come out with Louise, Margaret Carey and Helen Mears, both Gouche graduates.
The family has a nice stone house well up on the hillside, and here they managed to find room for all of us during our stay. Kling is the great summer resort of central China. It is located in the mountains above Kiukiang, and from its high points the Yangtse river is visible for many miles. There are springs enough to supply water, and several hundred houses fill two or three valleys. It is high enough so that a very fine summer climate is enjoyed, and a healthful one. Trees, roads, paths, and regulations, as well as several churches and meeting houses, a large auditorium, two bathing pools, and a business section make it a quite respectable place. The conditions and crowd give rise to variety of speculations, but now we will concern oursleves with the objective accountings of our adventures. The large family, plus the three girls just out from the States, finds within itself many resources for amusement and endless merriment. It is a goodly party.
Wednesday, 12 August
Today we went swimming in the Russian Pool, a stone-walled pool about 170 feet long and thirty feet wide, with cold clear water good for swimming. The mists came down over the hills and cut us off