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in the morning, then Dorothy and I hurried back, dressed, and went over to take tiffin with Miss Ogburn and Miss Merrill. These ladies have been long in China, and are so far from being T.M's that we quite enjoyed their company. Miss Ogburn, especially, has been intimate with the family since their arrival in China many years ago. 

Later in the afternoon we climbed to the top of  Methodist Valley for an elaborate tea with Mrs. Walley, and old English woman who has been long with the mission. 

After our return Dorothy and I hiked off by ourselves to the Gap (where the shops are, and bought some films against the coming of the Sabbath.) 

Sunday, 16 August 
With Dad I went to church in the rain, and listened to an exhortation to contribute to Kuling Medical Mission, but most of the ladies of the family stayed home. I say most because Caroline continued through the day, and though Dorothy and Louise went out for tea with Mother in the afternoon I spent most of the balance of the day indoors. I have just finished a very fascinating translation of a Korean novel, the [[underlined]] Cloud Dream of the Nine [[underlined]] by Kim Man-Choong. 

Monday, 17 August
The rain continued through most of this day, but during the morning Dr. Hemingway of the American Board Mission of Taiku, Shansi, ventured out with William Hummel to call on me, inquire about the March family, and send his greetings to Dad. I was must pleased at his thoughtfulness and effort. In the afternoon we had another small tea for a few friends we missed in the last one. It cleared up enough so that we could get out for a walk before supper, though Dorothy and I had already had a good hike through the rain in the morning. In a few more days we will have to go down to the river and start our long trip back to Peking, for work will start soon and I am not too ready for it, though in good condition physically and mentally, and exceedingly happy.