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and recession at the baccalaureate service, as one of the four assistant marshalls picked on by the University Marshall, Lucius Porter, for the dirty work of the evening. I marshalled the Arts faculty of the lower ranks, and marched at the head of that section, the lowest place of all. 

William Hung gave the address, on the difficulty of finishing things. 

Monday, 14 September 

This morning I gave an examination to students desiring to exempt themselves from required sophomore English, and had to go to the library in the afternoon. 

Tuesday, 15 September 

What with acting as freshman adviser for registration, with Dick Ritter's help, and  trying to get my library going a bit, and planning for my English work of the year, this week like last is full and then some. 

We had the very great pleasure of having the Miles over for supper Tuesday evening, and of showing them the house and all therein. These are our first regular dinner guests, and they signed the guest roll accordingly. Tuesday noon I had a faculty luncheon at Pettus' and we decided on the work we would give this fall. I am offering a course in General Bibliography and coopertaing with Arthur Hummel and Lucius Porter on course on Chinese Art. I'll probably handle the painting. And we talked for quite a while, and got much done. 

Mary Ferguson, just back from America and Peitaiho, came in to call. Wednesday afternoon we stopped to call on the Ferguson's, did some errands, and also called at Ruby's. 

Thursday we had another English staff meeting, a very good and business-like affair, with tea to cap it. We got our own supper in the evening, and Don and Helen Tewksbury dropped in to bring us a wedding present Dud and Esther Loos has left with them for us. We tore around after they had gone, and