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of gourd and Buddha's hand, and a sandalwood lucky godlet, the little god of money with his frog. I now have a sufficient collection to entertain me through the dullest class session or committee meeting. 

The Miles came over as per schedule and we had a good time as always; and the food was excellent. 

Monday, 12 October

The morning passed in sundry necessary duties, and then we had the pleasure of eating Chinese food, with Louise for company. I had much to do in the afternoon, and spent until 9 o'clock in the library with Mr. Ch'en. We spent most of the evening going over systems, and getting the library in mind so that he can get to work readily and efficiently. It will certainly be a great relief to me to get the uncatalogued books all in shape and on the shelves. As my best typist has quit I am trying a student part-time in the evening, a Mr. Sa of Peking National University, and I have a new full-time man, Mr. Kuo, who is taking hold fairly well, though he is not too bright. 

Tuseday, 13 October.

The day went along more or less smoothly and with little, incident. The Rubys came over for supper, and we had a fine supper, but Clem does get rather tiresome at times. It is hard on Margaret and hard on the rest of the company. When they had gone Louise came over to spend a little week-end with us. She has practically no work on Tuesday, and Wednesday is a holiday. 

Wednesday, 14 October

Besides being Confucius' birthday this day was momentous for other reasons, the most important of which was that Dorothy made a talk to a Chinese women's club. The club includes many of the best wives in town, all, women of high class, and a number well worth knowing. Dorothy had been asked to tell one of her stories and give a talk on how to tell, stories to children. She and Fu Hsi Hua have been working on the Chinese for many days, and she has prepared a fine talk with all of the correct