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mightily for a time.  There were three large paintings that Horace Jayne had bought for the Pennsylvania museum,,and these we looked at after supper.  He paid an enormous sum for them, which I think was too much.  One old man with a lute and a box of books is in the style of Sung.  A picture of geese and [[strikethrough]]flowers, reeds and[[/strikethrough]] lotus, reeds and reedbirds seems to be Yuan.  A picture of carp is  reputed to be Sung, but I hold with Alan that it is "competent Ming".  All of the paintings showed good points. The composition of the man and the geese was good, and the reeds in the latter picture were excellent.  There was faulty brushwork, lack of mastery and correct spirit in parts of both of these, though.  The carp was painted with correct brushwork, but the composition was too spotty for a representative and masterly Sung.  Whatever their age may be I would not say, but the technique of none of them was of the highest order.  Slowly I am acquiring a little intelligence in my critical appreciation of Chinese painting.

Alan started home with us, and we stopped in at his house to hear some new music and see some new furniture.  He is going to have a fine establishment.

Saturday, 24 October

One year ago yesterday Feng deserted Wu and executed his coup in Peking.  One year ago today Hopei University closed its doors.

Denny came over for lunch.

Leighton returned from America, and the faculty was received at the Stuarts' home this afternoon.

We had supper at home, and then walked out to the Kai Ming theater, where we were to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wu. Mei Lan Fang was playing the second episode of the Yang Kuei Fei series.  In this he got jealous, was at outs with the emperor, was restored, and they dreamed they went to the moon.  It was well-staged, and beautifully acted, and we enjoyed both the play and the company, though I was so tired I had difficulty keeping awake.  The play rested me, and we came home happy,