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the purchase of a couple new pieces of furniture. So we left our urgent duties and went out to Furniture Street to see what we could pick up. The picking was not very good. We had some difficulty in finding exactly what we wanted, and when we found it we had difficulty in getting the man to talk price. We finally gave up and came home, but in the afternoon Dorothy went back and bought the pieces, paying for them what we had figured we could afford, but rather more than we had hopedto get them for. They are a pair of chairs, and a tall square table for the Buddha. They are finely made old pieces, of heavy old wood, and quite an addition to our equipment. Louise and Carey were here for tea and they helped to arrange the new furniture. I made a new lamp out of an old fan, but did not like it, so relegated it to the top of the cupboard in Dorothy's study. Finally we got things settled to our immense satisfaction, and once again agreed that we had the nicest house in Peking.

For the evening we went to a restaurant near the Y.S.C.S. for a duck dinner with the faculty in honor of Dr. Brown, with Herr Professor Schuler of Berlin as the guest of special interest. Dr. Schuler has been in Peking for sometime, and is about to return to Germany, where he is a professor of Chinese in the Oriental Seminar.

Tuesday, 24 November

Dorothy was in bed with a cold all day, but that did not prevent her from rejoicing over the publication of two or her pieces, a poem and a sketch, in the Christian Science Monitor, copies of which came in the American mail arriving today. I left her in bed, but when I came back from my work she had gone out to tea at the Tewksburys'. When she got there she found that most of the guests were busy knitting little booties and petticoats, and that she was not exactly in their class. Served her right for getting up and going out. A.K. Wee had supper with us. There was to be a Faculty Fellowship meeting and the committee concevied the clever idea of having all of the people who lived at a distance entertained by members living near the school. We drew Wee, and we all enjoyed the evening. Because of Dorothy's cold, and the fact that I was tired and had a cold myself we did not go to meeting, and Wee, scarecyl more interested than we, stayed and talked for a while and then went home.